Humans of Europe

We want to share the stories of Europe!

Here is Suzy's story:

👋 I’m Suzy, a 26-year-old Polish girl, currently based in the southern part of Poland. I’m an EU integration enthusiast, Erasmus+ biggest fan, budget traveler, activist, enviromentalist, feminist. For my whole life I have been interested in politics and economy, thus the field of my studies. As a kid I even wanted to become the president one day, which is now a funny, ice-breaking conversation starter.

💡 I can clearly remember when Poland was about to join the EU. I was 9 years old. When it came to the referendum, the atmosphere in my family was rather sceptical as I come from conservative background, but I was excited: I had studied the EU at school, I knew its anthem, each member state and their capitals… – I even took part in an EU trivia quiz and won! So, when we finally joined the EU in 2004, I felt that a new, better chapter in Polish history had finally started.

🇪🇺 Why Europe? Everyone that knows me even a little bit has probably seen me babbling about how amazing my experiences have been on multiple youth exchanges and training courses around Europe. I met diverse, inspiring people and, sometimes, life-long friends. Thanks to open borders I was able to travel and build my European identity. Plus, I’m slowly starting to set up a foundation to promote diversity, European values, active citizenship and sustainable living as those topics were always close to my heart. My mindset changed completely and I think it changed for the better.

Now it’s YOUR turn to amaze us with your most beautiful European story, share it with us and be part of #HumansofEurope!